Seven foods for heart health and safety
7 March، 2019
Olive oil: Olive oil is one of the best food choices to maintain the health of the heart, which contains many fatty acids that help reduce the proportion of harmful cholesterol to the body to the lowest level possible, which enhances the functional efficiency of the heart muscle, as well as the prevention of diseases Atherosclerosis, functional heart failure and chronic hypertension. Broccoli: Broccoli is a low-calorie food, which is matched by an enormous amount of antioxidants that burn fat stored in the body, as well as maintain the proportion of cholesterol in blood according to normal rates required. Garlic: Garlic contains natural elements that have a mechanism of action similar to anticoagulants, which makes it an excellent dietary options recommended to prevent the occurrence of blood clots (clots) and arteriosclerosis. Carrots: Islands are characterized by its massive content of vitamin A and beta-carotene complex, in addition to antioxidants. These natural elements enhance the functional efficiency of the heart muscle effectively. Orange & Lemon: Most citrus contains a high percentage of organic fiber & vitamin C, which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels according to normal rates. Nuts: Nuts contain fatty acids and antioxidants, which contribute to raising the efficiency of the immune system, thus preventing the heart from potential diseases. Dairy and its derivatives: should be skimmed, and contain a balanced proportions of the elements of calcium and potassium, which help to maintain blood pressure according to normal levels.